Miss Awhhsomeee.

Nasyiba Sahari :D
I'm a 15-years old goodie, I don't litter :B but I don't pick up litter. I eat whenever I feel like it. I have a disfigured left pinky *gasps* and I suffer hair and eyelash loss. I go gaga over almost everything. Studying in Commonwealth Secondary School,I have the WEALTH values:D. I'm in CSS Malay Dance. A dancer, I am, and forever will be! I'm a zombie in the morning but I'm stupendous at night. If I were the president, I would turn everyone into human owls so we can enjoy night time((: I sing almost every time to express the happenings in life, but I can be random too. I can get emotional and dramatic at times, but my mind holds loads of crap when I'm high. I do bitch-talking when I feel the need to be honest. I'll be nice enough to ignore if you ain't nice, but nicer if you're nice and nicest if you're nicer. I'm NOT unfriendly. shy? oh, very! oh, add me on facebook & msn : :D
19% emotionalism
18% dummiesity
17% crapology
14% chimonology
12% cleverbumness
11% stubbornism
9% vaingloriousity
talk many many


April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
way out

2010: HAPPY NEW YEAR, HAPPY NEW BLOG :] @ (relink yeahs)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
we should exchange clothes.
my wallpaper. so cute, i can look at her all day. tengok la mak sdare nye sape.


ey budak kecik ni

i zoomed her face, tunjok kat mama. mama kate, same mcm muke mak die.
chicken pox aka polka dots.

slow n steady wins the race

alone i stood



happy happy?

aku boreddddd.

mann. exams are so making me stressed out.

pfft. english ok.

hmtl ok.

math, nahh. i think i'm gonna drop drop drop this time.

nas-es rock man.

hahah, so random.

itu ari, 2 hari berturut-turut bump into nasruddin.

and, coincidentally, kapas pon kenal. heeee.

Saturday, April 19, 08.
The forum was okay. But at some points of time, punyelahboring!
Tk leh ang ah~. The best speaker, obviously is Onniatta Effendi urh.
She so damn cute! Hahah.
Their dikir bagos! But the zapin hiphop, damn not nice.
I prefer abang riezman nye choreography siol.
Css MDS still better. :D

Lepas forum tu, naik kerete cekgu, dropped off at jurong east there, took 334 to Mr Teh Tarik at jurong west tu.
And what a coincidence, Mr Jeffri ngan Mr Faz pon ade kat situ.
Ngan Cekgu As nye first two kids. Syurga and Fitrah.
Aku spell mcm tau je eh. Then you know, tht boy named Fitrah rite, damn irritating, but funny you know!
Hahahahahahah! He go walk2 around our table. Then blahblahblah.
Sbsbs babes je lah yang tau.
Amyraa: what’s ur name?
Fitrah: I don’t know what’s my name.
Then kitorang sumer ketawe rabak siot.
Tried to buat bodoh every time he came, tapi tk bleh ang~.
Then that Syurga damn cute la siol~.
She keep saying ALAMAK and at the same time, hitting her own head.
I wanted to take picture. Then I asked her to do it again.
She did it many2 times, then she cried.
XDD. Pain meh? Pukol kpale sendiri buat pe. Hahah
Syurga is damn cute. Although sometimes she tend to talk to herself.
Tapi, abang nye lagi rabak. Fitrah is like hallucinating siots.

Oh ah ah! Pagi2, 7.30am da sampai skolah nye canteen.
Then came Mr Faz and his packets of nasi lemak.
Was eating potato chips alone in the canteen uh tht time.
Then he came.
Faz: have you taken your breakfast, syg?
Me: no, potato chips urh.
Faz: Nah, I bought some nasi lemak. You can have it.
Me: no, nvm2.
Then he walk off.
Then he come back.
Faz: where do you live, syg? ( while touching my back )
Me: Clementi.
Faz: what do you take to school?
Me: 154. behind the church there.
Faz: so you walk urh?
Me: yah.

I was like wtfish. Even wool never touched my back.
Mr Faz, pandai flirt siol. Patotlah sampai skrg blom kahwin. Or maybe he tersasul. Tapi tk kan sampai 2 kali siot. Tsk3.
Insane punye orang. Wool kalau tau mesti die marah. Kan kan kan.

Aku punye bill, for the first time, $30.60 ajer.
Yayyyyyyy! Last 2 mnths was $47. then last mnth, $49.
Last 3 mnths, $70 eh. Lupe.
But yay! What an achievement.
Turon naek eh aku nye bill. Tapi tngok uh Mama tak appreciate langsong.
Heish. Ape aje lah yang aku buat yang die appreciate?

Ok. Saturday, surprisingly, tkde mood swing.
Wool kate die nampak kite. Serious?
Amyraa plak. Ntah knape, die fed-up ngan ___.
SS in what way, aku tk phm.
Tidak mengapalah teman. Sabar sahaja ya.
Kesabaran itu kan separuh dari iman…

This week, tk gi masjid. :D
Dpt tengok tv. But unfortunately, tertido~.

Msg myra, tunggu die reply mcm tunggu snow gitu.
Mem-bo-san-kannnn. Paham waaa?

Leaving your dream, not mine.

I have been holding on to my only dream.
Lit up the light of hope but it’s getting dim.
And then you tried coming in my way
Sweeping all my dreams, one by one, away.

You made me do things I don’t want to.
Without realising what you’re putting me through.
I rarely had a chance to speak up for myself
Once I tried, you turned around and left.

You never knew what exactly I want in life
After bringing me up, all this while.
You expected so many things from me,
But you only love the one you want me to be.

I’m not the one you think I am.
The one you are proud of, no way man.
You don’t understand me, you won’t anyway.
You always think you’re right in everything you say.

You think you’ve never made any mistakes.
Said everything you did is for goodness’ sake.
But that’s not the way I want things to be
I hate it a lot, can’t you see?

You called me stupid, a burden to everyone.
You hate me for everything I’ve done.
But you never appreciated the good things I did
Leaving him, and all the pain I hid.

Now I wanna begin my destiny
Going my own way, don’t try to stop me.
I’m leaving your dream, Mama, not mine.
Even if I fail, I’ll get up and again I will try.

When you make a mistake,
It’s not really something wrong however.
But when I make a mistake,
It will still stay wrong forever.

Sunday, April 20, 08

Yesterday, chat ngan Fil. Dapat jgak lepaskan rindu.

Today pagi2 da bangun. Ade budak tu, nak pakai sluar aku tak mintak permission.
Toot btol. Seha pi jogging at stadium.
Pagi2 pi pasar, makan clementi nye yong tau fu. Nice~.
It’s beside the evertop nye chicken rice yang cekgu pernah blanje malay dance tu.
Sedap, tapi the cashier uh, china woman siot. Punye la leceh.
Wanton wanton wanton! :DDD

Today bought apples. Apples make me go MUAH MUAH MUAH to Seha. Hahaha.

Oh ya. The bastard is caught! Yay! I’m the happiest girl on Earth right now.
And Mama will meet him in court on 7 may. Alhamdulillah many2 la siol!
Die skrg kat lock-up. Hahahah. Padan muke. And I bet his family members pon da give up asyik nak kene bayar to set him free kan. Yay. Let his children know they got such a stupid father like tht.
Padan muke bini die. Mf btol. Yay. Puas aku. Puas aku. Dunie ni mcm AKU YANG PUNYAAAA~!
Kahkahkah. :DD thanks to Allah.

I’m happy today. Alhamdulillah. Found a song that reminds me of my childhood in the com.
Playing at nenek’s home with Caca and Abang and Seha and some other long-lost cousins, I wonder where they are. Ingat lagi aku, ktorang choreographed a dance for the song. Astaga, how cute I was. XD lemon tree tu. Then part “I turn my head, up and down. Turn it turn it turn it turn it turn it around,” tu kan, we pusing2 kpale. Then one of us would pretend to be the lemon tree. Astaga, PUNYELAHCUTE~! X)

Oh. Skrg sec 4s da step down, malay dance punyelahboringg.
Mcm nk quit pon ade, tapi ape lah nanti kate dorang kan.
I miss choir a lot. A lot a lot .haix.
Oh. Tht bastard once promised me to put me in Sri Warisan.
Tapi da brape tahun aku tunggu. And obviously, it’s an empty promise uh.
Tsk. I’ve been wanting to join Sri Warisan la siol.

Ok la, bye kawan2. [ and all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree. ]

Monday, April 21, 08

I totally flunk my Math common test. Seriously.
The previous test and this one was a big jump. Man, if I know who set the paper rite, I would hate tht teacher to the core. Susah siol. But tht time, I was so high ngan Myra, sampai I put all my worries aside. And, Fil tk dtg. Kesian eh, mye coming pon tk dtg.

This week, I categorise everyone, including myself, in the mentally ill ones.
Smue orang gile. Aku lagi gile.

Oh nak tau bende tk. Mama dapat tau about me cutting my wrist. Seha lah ni!
Myra, trust me. Seha is a bitch. Seha is a bitch. Seha is a bitch.
And she’s so stupid. Buat alarm tone same ngan ringtone.
Beh bile alarm nye bbunyik, she pick up her hp and said hello. Twice olradi u know.
Slenge bac botol.
Then naek hantu la Mama, STEP CARING ONI!
Fuck off la, doboh.
Then in a fierce tone she shouted at me uh. Tanye what’s my prob.
She seriously thought it’s school stuff. Ingat aku gaduh ngan kawan kape.
Yah rite eh.
She’s damn blind, I tell you.
Mama: kau bilang aku, ape problem kau?!
Me: (quiet).
Mama: ni mesti kat skola ade problem kan!
Me: tak lah, problem nye kat rumah ni sendiri.
Mama: ape problem nye?!
Me: Mama lah. You are my biggest problem.
Mama: ok, ape pasal aku?! Hah!
Me: Mama tanye uh diri Mama sendiri.

And I decided not to continue. Cos it would only make matters worse. Tk gune pon.
Kalau aku explain betol2 pn, no matter what she wont terime wat I say kan.
Seha said I’m a coward. But so what? Da puas da aku ckp yang Mama’s my problem.
Mama threatened to tell cekgu asnida. She talked cock siol, nak suroh cekgu asnida jage aku lah.
Kalau tak, die hantar aku kat si bastard tu. Ya rite. One of her act-only stuff.
Meaning aku burden kan, to her. Then in the first place,
Dulu waktu kecik2 asal die pakse aku tinggal ngan die kan, doboh botol.
That night, I cried. Beh next day teros mate cam siak ajer.

Ahh, boring siol school on that day. Mondays suck like fuck.
Naseb baek Myra high gile babi.
Oh ya. We pon-ed eng lsson. That time pi blaja ngan juniors, beh Myra kene bully. X)
Da kene bully, tros emo. Kwang3.
Oh. Beh lea, nadh and mirah kate cekgu bad mood.
Padahal cekgu si lim tu tk pernah bad mood.
Dorang kate, ms lim was asking about us.
Myra da stress gile like fark, aku relax je.
Myra: cekgu nanti kalau tanye kite pi mane cam mane siol?
Me: next lesson Thursday lah.
Myra: (muke stress).
Me: sabar. Thursday, Thursday.
And she already thought of some reasons da.
Menstrual cramps konon. Hahah.
Then lpas math rmdial baru lea, mirah ngan nadh ckp ms lim tak bad mood.
And die langsong tk tanye pasal kite.
Myrakenabeb. Hahahahah!

Then MT rmdial, we did oral. Hahah, “I want coke” become “I want cock”.
K like you want to know like tht hor.

Tuesday, April 22, 08

Math is getting harder la siol, mf botol.
Today got science ct. sial btol, I made 2 stupid mistakes.
Kalau tak, da bleh beat myra. Alerrmaaak.
Hah, tk tau bersyukur botol. Oh 21 of us got A1. wowww.
Go 2-2 you’re so fine, you’re so fine, you blow my mind, go 2-2. AH, AH! Go 2-2! AH, AH!
At first aku beat myra tau, abeh die ni cheat. Chey, tkdelah. Cekgu kire salah.
Fark, why those kinda stuff tk pernah jadi pat aku uh?
Tman setie eh myra? Kau dapat 33, aku pon 33.

Today, I feel high too. Damn high.
But then, Mama la ni, tak bayar bill. Siak betol. Bilang da bayar.
Then aleh2, inactive SIM.

Lpas skola, ade cdp skit.
Waste of time siol tht thing. Fortunately, yang tengok kitorang perform are our batchmates oni.
Jeremy nye script is lame. Tapi kesian, he wrote the whole stack of papers tu.
Terpakse lah appreciate.
So I stayed till 3.35pm, baru bleh chao.

Haiyo. These days really tk bleh manage time well. Monday, blaja until 10pm.
Then today, planned to blaja. Before tu, nak meditate jap. Hilangkan stress, katekan.
Lpas bace the shiatsu buku at home, and the managing stress nye brochure in the school library.
Planned to do 15 mins meditation while lying down, and I ended up sleeping for 2 hrs.
I was tired. Really tired. Ntah lah, tired or lazy?
Was I tired pasal Monday blaja bnyk sngt?
But Monday was like one out of a million days tau yang aku blaja. Lain hari, jgn harap lah.
Ok lah blaja jgak lah. Tapi Monday lame, and smngt. Susah nk dpt hari2 mcm gitu.
Aiyo. I wish I had insomnia. Can study non-stop kan.


Oh ya. Should Seha work first before going uni, or straight away go uni?
Mama insists on having her to work first.
My opinion, idk.
Seha would do better in uni if she straight away go uni.
But on the other hand, kesian Mama da ade 2 jobs.
Malam and part-time pagi. Da lah berkedut si diek tu.
Haix. Ey but why am I bothering about them, after what they did to me kan?
Syiba, syiba.

Abang these days mcm lain je.
Last week, high gile. Start of this week, diam aje.
Sometimes he come back home, dudok termenung kat sofa for 15 mins gitu, teros kuar balek.
Mcm ade prob gitu.

Hmmm. K la dada.

Wednesday, April 30, 08

Shadap nasyiba. :D

Urgh. That bitch totally pissed me off.
This girl named babat from hillgrove sec.
She saw me walking with her friend, whom she called her boifriend.
And she made up stories to make me jealous, urgh.

acap is just my friend ler. babat btol.

wcp, mcm maken boring. wanted to go jetty, tapi panas banget.

hati pon panas.

I hate people who finds pleasure making me repeat IMY.

eish. totally evil.

(back to the top.)

blog aku, suke uh nak letak ape.
Friday, April 18, 2008

step emo jek.

scary and emo. :D

this week, everyday got mood swing. aiyoyoii.


I got new rule in my blog.

you all can read. but NEVER EVER ASK ME ABOUT MY POSTS.

POEMS AND EMO STUFF. never ask me why. kalau ade yang tanye, nanti aku tukar url. okay.

aku makin sedih pasal tk dpt bebual ngan die tht much.

k I hope this explains it all.

I hate you - you make me miss you.

I love you - you're one of the most meaningful persons in my life.

I miss you - long time no talk lah dungu!

ey? mcm rhyme ehk.

thursday, I walked all the way home. btol! tk caye sudah~.

at first ingat nak take bus from the bus stop jauh siket,

beh da emo gile babi, walk.

to west coast food centre there is a 25 mins walk.

to home, 1 hr+ walk. damn tiring, but fun!

otw, near the bungalows tu sumer, nampak ular siol~.

tk cayerr. teros jln cpat2. tk besar sngt uh, I think harmless uh.

die nampak aku, buat dek je.

lime green colour like tht.

then tnampak this pokok tngah emo ngan aku.

and true eh, sometimes some things just emo with me.

like langit, pagi2 da hujan.

and that tree.

and I saw Qifa Pri! finallayy.

emo bnyk, this week. really, alot.

cb! idk, I'm like hating almost everyone.

people come and go so fast. or change, I'd rather.

I list them according to paling meaningful eh.

paham ahk?

A - mcm suke carik pasal ngan aku this week. bnyk kali oi. and it's like, I'm no one to die.

B - da lame tk jumpe, tk bebual.

C - bunge like farrrk, baru gaduh.

D - make me laugh. tapi doesnt know me tht well.

E - same mcm C

F - the way die ketawe, irritates me sometimes.

I dont know ler, heish. maybe it's me. yang gile ni.

I'm starting to hate friends.

mcm nak tukar skola pon ade. heeh, gile eh syiba?

waktu emo dlm class, I looked everywhere.

ntah. I just hoped I wasnt there.

no one took notice of me gitu.

idk! like, I'm in my own emo world, and their in their own 'fantasy-like' world.

zhongping lagi rabak.

smlm pekik pat die.

kicked my kaki twice, ingat free kape, cb.

and yes I got tht feeling again.

terpinggir, tersingkir. haiyoyoii.

like tkde orang kesah pasal aku.

like a nobody.

all I have are questions. no answers to them. even you, you don't have the answers to them. you only add more.


oh. I cried in class. thrice this week, no one noticed.

I pretended that my eyes were itchy, but I was actually wiping those tears.

you know God. I wake up everyday starting my day with a prayer.

praying for you to take me away. far far away. without these people here.

I get out of this place each morning hoping it's the last time I'm here.

I look at their faces hoping it's the last time I talk to them.

I cross those roads on the streets hoping for a car to knock me down.

but you want me to go on. to hold on to life.


oh, aku buat poem for Mama. lupe nak masokkan dalam USB ni.


ok, bye. [ I know, you're starting to hate me, aren't you? ]

(back to the top.)

hello la siol
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

hello :D

this is my new blog, aite. but it's private and confidential.
*if you wanna read it, you're welcomed. if you don't want, then don't read.

haiyoh. fuyoh.
naseb baek taufiq ngan wan tak lepak ngan si mamat tu.

Amyraa, aku sedih.

you always said I should tell you every time I miss you, when I was afraid to.
Now, I told you. and you pretended as if it's nothing.

or maybe it's me. gosh, idk.

I dont even wanna think about it.

but you know what.
I've been thinking of you alot.
I'm trying hard to get over it.
I'm losing control of myself.
took 105 home, stopped at tht area where
kite pernah stop dulu, and took the same route home.
I can't say it again. buat aku sedih je.
My heart breaks every time I think of you.
Idk why. crying is not worth it, kan.
I miss you.

and I miss the moments when we all go IMM and crap.
farrrk. cb. babi. buto. kimak. arrrgh.

I miss you, but then kan. urgh, I have to frget u. I know.
eish! mf mf mf mf mf mf!

(back to the top.)